- New LPG Cylinder:This is the main item that makes every other item on this list important. For what to look out for when purchasing a new LPG cylinder, check out our previous post Points To Consider When Buying Your First (Cooking Gas) LPG Cylinder (smartgasng.com)
- Gas Regulator/Burner:Getting any of this depends on the size of the cylinder you purchased. 3Kg, 5Kg, and 6Kg cylinders require burners that will be attached to them to serve as a portable and sometimes mobile cooking stove.
The bigger sizes, 12.5Kg, 25Kg, and 50Kg, on the other hand, require a cooking gas regulator.
A gas regulator as the name implies helps to regulate the pressure of the gas coming out of the cylinder so that it can safely be used in the kitchen. Faulty regulators are therefore risky as the users are more prone to gas explosions. The type of regulator to be bought depends on the type of valve your new cylinder comes with.
The common names used to identify types of LPG cylinder valves are;
- The Standard valve
- The Nido valve
- The Util valve
- Hose:Usually made of rubber material, this item serves as the connector between the already mounted gas regulator and your cooktop, through which the cooking gas in the cylinder gets to the stove. For safety, it is recommended that the length of the hose used for the connection should be 2 yards at most in order to prevent trips and falls, and also to readily detect if there’s a leak on it.
- Clips:The purpose of this item is a no-brainer. They are used to secure the points where the hose is connected to the regulator and cooktop.
- Trolley:This final item is optional but aids the movement of the LPG cylinder from one point to another. This item helps to ensure that users do not experience strain on their backs, or sustain injuries when moving cylinders of bigger sizes, whether filled or empty. It also preserves the base of cylinders for longer as opposed to when the cylinders are dragged on the ground.
All items listed are available, call 08063054246 to place your Order Now.